A Modern method for guitar by William G. Leavitt - Vol . 1. Berklee Press

E. 14,95

Jazz Improvisation for keyboard players by Dan Haerle - complete ed. Columbia Pictures Publications. E. 17,95

Songwriter' Cookboo and Creative Guide by Shad Diamond - Studio P/R E. 7,75

The Art of Song Writing by Adolph Sandole E. 12,75

The Mixed modal appraoch to Contemporary Improvisation - a handbook for all

instruments by Joseph V. Tranchina - Studio P/R. E. 8,75

Patterns for Improvisation by Oliver Nelson E. 9,95

Progressive Jazz Patterns by Hale Smith - Charles Colin Publ. E. 7,75

Jazz Improvising for all instruments by Walter Stuart - Charles Colin Publ. E.7,75

Jazz Soloist for all instruments by Walter B. Stuart - Charles Colin Publ. E. 8,75

Ad Lib by Bugs Bower for all instruments - basic instruction book - containing Ad Lib chorusses on 24 standard and original songs E. 8,95

Technical Studies for bass cleff instruments by Clarke-Gordon - Carl Fischer Publ.

E. 13,25

Lip Flexibilities - 3 volumes - from the: Charles Colin Complete Modern Method for

Trombone or Bass Clef Baritone. E. 15,25

Improvisational Patterns. The Bebop Era: Vol. 3 For All Bass Clef Instruments from

David N. Baker's Modern Jazz Series. E. 9,95

Contemporary Techniques for the TROMBONE - a revolutionary approach to the

problems of music in the twentieth century Volume 2. Charles Colin Publ.

E. 29,75

Biofeedback and the Arts - Results of Early Experiments - edited by David

Rosenboom of the Aesthetic research centre of Canada - standard on electronic

music. E. 27,50

Sounds of Music by Charles Taylor - Publ. B.B.C. - This book is an introduction

to the physics of sound. E. 39,75

Tel. 020 - 616 44 14 or e-mail handrost@wanadoo.nl