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te koop: Hartke B-60 bascombo

  • Paul

    Ik heb de B-60 in augustus vorig jaar gekocht en heb er (tot mijn eigen schaamte) slechts vijf of zes keer gebruik van gemaakt. Hij verkeert dan ook nog echt in nieuwstaat en heeft altijd in mijn huis gestaan.

    De nieuwprijs vorig jaar was NLG 798,- (ik heb de bon nog) en wat mij betreft mag hij weg voor 260 euro.

    De specificaties volgens de Hartke website:

    "The new B Series combos make the legendary sound of Hartke bass available to everyone. They're engineered to produce a wide spectrum of bass tones. Rugged and portable, they have all the quality and features leading professionals have come to expect from Hartke.

    12" bass driver and 60 watts of power. 3 bands of EQ and adjustable Shape circuitry. Like other B Series combos, the B60 features a dedicated effects loop, line level out, a buffered input and a headphone output

    Custom full-range Hartke 12" driver produces balanced bass response

    60 watts of power

    Active 3-band EQ for pinpoint tone control

    Adjustable “Shape” circuitry provides expanded sound-shaping

    Separate effects loop

    Buffered input handles active and passive pickups without overloading

    Line level output for direct recording, driving additional amps and more

    Headphone output for private practice

    Rugged, reinforced cabinet design

    Dimensions: 20.4“ (H) X 18.8” (W) X 13.5" (D)

    Weight: 47 lb."

  • joel

    is this still for sale?

