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Cello te koop

  • Juna de Vries

    Te koop aangeboden:

    Cello (hele) t.w.v. 2030 euro, strijkstok t.w.v. 300 euro, hoes en standaard voor =>SLECHTS 2000 EURO <=

    Het is een Karl Hofner H602, gebouwd in Bubenreuth Duitsland in 1997.

    Voor verdere info bel 06-41363225

  • J. Kramer

    Hello Juna,

    I am very interested in your cello because it's a Hofner, however,

    unfortunately I must be honest with you and tell you there is no way I can pay over 1200 euro for it. If you would consider it, I would love to hear back from you!

    Regards, J. Kramer

  • J. Kramer

    Hello Juna,

    I am very interested in your cello because it's a Hofner, however,

    unfortunately I must be honest with you and tell you there is no way I can pay over 1200 euro for it. If you would consider it, I would love to hear back from you!

    Regards, J. Kramer